

"Here is my hat"
Barbra Streisand (Hello Dolly)


  1. Still waiting for mine to be delivered - Hatters eh - what are they like??

  2. Your helmet is a hat think of that
    Hatters are mad as what?
    Everyone in the Nation must have a different hat. Since that
    is all they will have on to identify themselves at the party What kind are you waiting for? MOA

  3. Dear MoA

    in answer to your question about The Hat.

    I'm waiting for my Hat.
    It isn't very special - it's really sort of flat.
    Modelled on the outline,
    of a squashed gnat.
    I suppose you'd could call it a cap.
    It has a peak - a front and a back.
    It's green with blue - a striking hue.
    So I reckon it is a squashed gnat flat cap.
    But maybe it would prefer to be called Norman!!

    As to my helmet being pink - have you been peeking??

  4. I never thought of a hat having a name!! Norman is your hat?
    will your hat be ready in time for the party?

  5. My hat is called Norman Aloysius St John Thomas Yelldecker. NASTY for short.
    It really is a nasty hat!!
    I am reliably informed it will be ready for collection on Monday - so when's the party?? More's to the point - whee is the party - I need to program my sat nav - don't want to get me and the hat lost now , do we??


  6. What a hat!!!I am not sure I can talk to that. Should I address him as Sir Nasty? I think I will wear my cowboy hat. The party will be near or at the pool at the PRG. Since we will only be wearing our hats. we can all go skinny dipping MOA
    P>S> I will bring my sketch book!! so many models.

  7. I would like to see MoN's nasty, I'm try'n to imagine how flat it must be.

  8. I cant imagine a flat hat either What hat are you wearing to the party? MOA
