
PRG National Gallery - Big Opening

PRG National Art Gallery proudly announces the virtual exhibition of Mary Imp. Enjoy our friend creations.


  1. Thank you Mary - just brilliant. So good to see your artworks on display.
    A spot of culture in this otherwise hedonistic haven.

  2. I am very grateful for the work done by our Prime Minister in setting up this exhibition of my work. Looking forward to the party at the opening. Thank you again Mary IMP

  3. It was a pleasure. Our artist deserve this public recognition.

  4. Hey MoN, Who you calling hedonistic? LOL Hey Mary is there going to be Cocktails, and chocolate at the party? I'll bring a bag of chips, if MoN will bring the fish.

  5. Your a good artist Mary, and just think you can draw all that with one hand :)

  6. hey Keebler thanks I am glad I have two so if one wears out i got another I am ambidexterous so there is hope. MOA

  7. I find it is an excellent idea to carry a spare. You never know when it might come in handy. Now where did I put that pencil - ah there you are - just found the spare - in my pencil case - along with - 2 tins of beer, 2 penknives, 2 sandwiches, 2 balls of string, 2 erasers, 2 small packets of tissues, 2 free passes to the PM's next party,
    2 beer holders............................

  8. Dear MoN: You need a housekeeper urgently. By the way ¿did you see my socks?

  9. No - were you expecting them??

  10. I have many urgent needs - now it appears that a housekeeper is one of them. Where will she live?? there is hardly enough room in my two man tent as it is.
    Does the Prime Minister mean that it is time I purchased a house??
    Of course if that is the case - then I will need a housekeeper, cooks, a butler, - ladies maid, valet,chauffeur, several gardeners and a mistress to complete the set!!
    Not to mention an income of more than a pink twenty per month.

  11. As you can see our Minister of Financial Incompetence is vanished. So we can raise our salaries a 2000%.
    On the other hand I left my old tree-house to the house keeper and she looks happy with the deal. Only problem is there is no toilet in the house....

  12. Does the size of the house reflect the size of the salary you pay your housekeeper??

    Perhaps if you increased her salary - she could afford to buy my tent??

    It has a bathroom, jacuzzi and air conditioning - although the zip sticks a little.

  13. Salary? Nobody told me I must pay her...

  14. my goodness tree houses/tents/??? you ministers represent our republic, get with it mansions just bill it to the absent min of finance. and whats this with a mistress. IMP

  15. We need pinks but Tom is out of the office....

  16. What the? Mutiny in my absence. A 2000% salary increase. Oh what the heck. I am a much better thief. On a Western Caribbean junket as we speak...hee hee.

  17. So MoFI finally showed up. Welcome!!

  18. Ah - I see that normal service has been resumed.
    Now we can go about the embezzlement of funds professionally.
    The MoA shows some concern over my use of the word mistress.
    I am taking evening classes - the teacher is a Lady - so I would call her a mistress.
    Nothing out of place there then.
    (I think that fooled her - she'll want to know what I am studying next - maybe a short course in cookery - so I can help the MoFI with the books)

  19. I wonder if our beloved min of Fi I is floating to a tax haven PM should count the pinks.!!

  20. Maybe MoFi was at Crocodile Islands, a tax-free paradise doing some investments for PRG benefit....

  21. What if the MoFi stays there? Buys himself a little beach cottage with PRG money can we extradite him?
