Hi to all the citizens of the PRG.
This message comes from the new Minister of Beer and Drinking (MoBaD_
Teo Caride.
PRG Oil Company
Based on a Incredible MoN True Story
These are the intrepid Ostrich Brothers - known to be the best team of oil explorers in the world.
They grew up in the Sahara Desert - their father was a Camel salesman and their mother was the top sand blaster for the local tin can reprocessing plant.
When they left school they became graduates of the university of Timbuktu - specializing in the ancient art of sand watching.
One day, while observing the sand they had just dug from beach in Abu Dhabi - suddenly it went very dark.
After their Mom had washed the goop off their faces - they found out they had struck oil.
Thus began the legend of the Ostrich Brothers - the world's finest discoverers of oil.
MoN and PM Adventures
The last evening, MoN and his fine friends and hosts - Cheers!!
Mon and the Chauffeur - Driving downtown
It is very hard to put in words our experience.
It was one of the most incredible times we ever had.
It was like we had known each other for ages and it was just a reunion. All of us are better persons after meeting one another. Following PRG spirit we celebrated life and friendship: that's all we can say. ( oh and we exchanged beer glasses and drank beer!)
We invite you to see the amazing pictures MoN took and try to imagine, for a minute, how the adventure was.
Love to all Garzedonians
Zed and Chris
PRG Crazy Objects
Hats for 'that' from Texas, Spain, England, Scotland, America , Germany, Donkeyworld and Monkeyland!
Netherland Models very used on public cellebrations
Keebs - with his Fu Man Chu hat
ZZ Tom™ (with no hat) with his friends
( cheap sunglasses and hats)
This is the new hat for the PM as
from me (Mary/imp) during my spell as MoN
Good luck with your new job!!
MoA - in her new 'hat for that'
A hat for the hungry - stay ahead of the lunch queue!!
A pair of 'Hats for that' !"! Spotted at MoN's beach.
Please welcome the MC for the Hats for That PRG Party
The ultimate matching beer hat with goggles!!
Hi Tarzan, here I go!
MoMWW&C in his 'English' HfT
MoFF in her Karnival Hat for 'that'
(Why do pirates talk that way??
-Because they Arrrggh!!!!)
Donkey Hat
- just to keep the Citizens happy!!
Hey MoN, explain this one!
Great lookin' cowgirl - very 'Impish'
Old Gardener - hat an' all -
not very 'Impish' by any standard!!
Very Hombre Obscuro
- El Toro is in for a rough time!
Hugh in his singin' hat - an Imp favourite
The 'All American' Imp herself.
The 'Impiest' of them all
- unless, of course, you know better!
Keebeler's Bodyguards,
Luciana real identity
Keebeler's Sport World
At MoN's beach
Unlucky! Our Policeman needs a new Chauffeur!
The intrepid duo - in training for their adventures
ZZ Tom - in his hat - ready for 'that' !!
Finally we've got an "obscuro" body guard for MoA. Lu ¿do you want one?
Robe found by MoA
New men's bathroom at PRG Opera House
Juice at centre of Jan Go
illegal gases controversy
Archive picture of ZZ Tom in his heyday
( he has been hiding this from the papers!)
PM executive secretary. Janice, ready to take dictation
on the 'TO DO' or 'NOT TO DO' list of the day.
'that' girl?
The MoMWCCWS tries out his latest invention
Says it all!!
MoN - ready to pose - sorry I forgot to wear my Robe!!
The Job description is perfect for the MoN
MoA's Atelier
MoA - enjoying a glass of wine after a
hard day's painting and drawing.
hard day's painting and drawing.
The Hotel Zed -
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