
Goodbye 2010, Welcome 2011

Another year behind us.
The Second Year since our Republic was established.
Another year in front of us.
Use it. Take all that life can bring to you.
And remember: you belong to a select group: you are able to laugh.


The Automatic Concert for Tennis Balls

This time Celeste shared this amazing video of a new Concert at PRG Opera Tent (sorry, House was sold to pay the rent)


Disconnect to Connect

Our dear Fe sent this video and gave us a lesson on how to share time.

MoN shares this picture - from the video, with his fellow citizens:
As you can see - I am disconnected!! This is My Nissan 
- (the gold one) I am worried what I am going to connect with. 
Maybe a brick wall if the auto pilot fails!!


PRG Symphonic Orchestra - Beer Waltz

The wine bath - ready for action


Crazy pictures from the desk of the Prime Minister

Shoes do not fit anymore?  

MoN teaches you how to take advantage of them


Funny way to have ice cubes… maybe Titanic’s captain does not approve the joke.
Thanks for sharing Mr Prime Minister
Best wishes to all


Midsummer madness

Hello fellow citizens, I am happy to report that the crazy happenings that seem to occur at every summer solstice are just as zany this year as those in years passed.

They citizens of The Capital - Ducktown have been busy painting their houses - any colour will do except black or white!

Some citizens don't stop there!  here is one who has decided to paint her face with the leftovers!!

Some have created works of Art - with the help of The MoA - like this one spotted in her gallery this week.

Even the PM has entered into the spirit of madness - here he sports a fetching new headband, glasses and goatee beard - along with the obligatory glass of beer.


 The mate gourds and beer mugs have also been decorated to celebrate the solstice.

Even old father time has outdone his former splendor here he is seen wearing his coat - a true 'Stitch in Time'

Revelers are having a ball - seen here at the Zed Hotel - some have abandoned their hats!

The PRG now boasts a reconstruction of the Magnificent Henge in the UK - here it is planned to hold many events to mark the passing seasons.
All citizens are cordially invited to attend - bring a hat and remember that the beer is free!

So - I wish all of you a Happy Solstice - and may your days and nights be filled with fun.


Happy New Year

I have intercepted a letter to all the Citizens from our Dear Prime Minister. It reads as follows:

Garzedonia says officially Good Bye to 2009 and we welcome 2010, (assuming it is coming soon!)

We know some of us got %!#?!!! moments, but what the hell, Garzedonia is alive.

Some good things happened in 2009

Enrique took great pictures and was grandfather 3 times.

Teo was born (and also his cousins Marco and Thomas)

CtG knew Patagonia and had a great time here.

Mary draw some new great pics.

ZZT helped in our Indian Paintbrush art project, providing us great native music

Tommy got his Caribbean cruise.

Keeb and Huge…we didn’t talk too much lately but I’m sure you got your good times too

Luciana is missed in action, working very hard.

Janeta-Celeste provided us the best jokes and pics to keep alive PRG spirit

Sun, Moon and Stars are on its place

Maddoff is in jail

Jango is still on the air

But take care with 2010. It is the only one we have: No backup.

Here it is my wishes list for 2010

Smile 10 times per day

Fart in a crowded elevator

Take a nap on a working day

Have beer

See Chris again

Spend good time with good people

Enjoy PRG


Sorry to have read this out before it may have arrived in the mail - but I thought that the Citizens should know that I am both sad and glad that such a great year has gone - the end of an era.

The new era - for which we have no name yet - is upon us. ( Perhaps someone could think up a name for this decade?)

I would like to join with the PM and wish all Garzedonians - wherever you may be - a Truly Fantastic 2010.


The Prime Minister can explain the meaning of this sign - spotted in a Bar in Puerto Madryn, Patagonia.